As you know, the World Health Organization has declared a pandemic related to the coronavirus, and there are confirmed cases in Oklahoma. HDCL wants to keep you apprised of the steps we are taking to keep our staff and customers safe and to keep our operations running smoothly.
At the present time we are allowing for normal business activities while taking proactive measures to mitigate spread of the virus. We will continue to monitor, and address escalating conditions should those occur.
There will be a great deal of pent up demand for all services and products when our country healthily emerges from this pandemic. HDCL wants to continue to partner with you to meet these great needs for our fellow citizens and to strengthen the economy. Our operations currently allow for continued operation without contributing to the spread of the virus. Until an update is issued, please do not hesitate to ship your equipment to us for calibration or deliver it to our laboratory.
While we obviously have no control over shipping companies and parts vendors, we will continue to do everything we can to keep all our customers prepared to hit the ground running when the threat has lifted.
As this issue continues to evolve, HDCL management will adjust our approach to the challenge as warranted. We will keep you informed if those decisions further impact the way HDCL interacts with you, our valued partner. Stay safe.